The Most Popular Baby Names of 2020
The most popular baby names of 2020 so far are a mix of old-school favorites as well as names that are inspired by nature and celestial beings. T...

DockATot Stories: My Mom is Having My Baby
My Mom is Having my Baby
Breanna Loving is going to be a mom in November. After years of infertility she found a surprising path to motherhood,...
Mom Tips: How to Deal with Holiday Clutter
(DockATot mom Samantha Poole with her son in a DockATot Deluxe+ in Charcoal Buffalo)
Mom Tips: How to Deal with Holiday Clutter
‘Tis the...
DockATot Awards and Honors: Interior Design magazine recognizes our JPMA booth design
DockATot Awards and Honors: Our booth at the JPMA show has gained national recognition from Interior Design magazine.
We’re thrilled to s...
Mom Life: How to Take Newborn Photos this Holiday Season
Mom Life: How to Take Newborn Photos this Holiday Season
It wouldn’t be the holidays without a million family photos to prove it. As a new...
Downward Dock: How One Mom Uses Her DockATot as a Yoga Accessory
Downward Dock: How This Mom Uses Her DockATot as a Yoga Accessory
As we continue to focus on health and wellness this month, we reached out to Doc...